Category Archives: Hedging against downturns
Should you be optimistic about your corporate growth?
Planning for future space needs after COVID. One of the most obvious observations I make with growing company CEO’s is that planning for a new office is done with an optimistic view of the future, incorporating planned space that compromises … Continue reading
If you must lease an office, make it a short one!
Avoid long-term commitments! It is statistically true that at least half of the young companies funded by angel or venture investors will not survive three years from funding to demise, and more than that percentage will die with two years if … Continue reading
Would you commit to an office lease today?
Always true: Rent your first, next, or continuing office with caution. Several years ago and before COVID’s changes, I became involved with a Southeast Asian company looking to expand into the United States. During the discussions with the CEO about … Continue reading
How to make a small problem into a big one.
Allowing small problems to escalate into big ones is simple. Just ignore the signs for long enough and the job is done. It takes far more energy to regularly review the key performance indicators you’ve established for each individual and … Continue reading
Sell at the top? Avoid the race to zero!
When do you sell your company? Obviously, we all want to sell at the top. And there is the problem. How do you know when you are at or near that right point to sell for maximum value? Those of … Continue reading
About personal use of corporate assets
Here’s the IRS take on the issue: It is no secret that the IRS carefully looks below the surface for personal use of company assets (including cash) in its corporate income tax audits. This insight addresses more the impact of … Continue reading
Recurring revenues: Oil or glue?
Some types of businesses generate more and more recurring revenues over time, often growing to a size where recurring revenues pay all of the overhead of the company – an enviable position. The surprising recurring revenue trap There is a … Continue reading
My hard-earned lessons from negative exits.
In my life as an early-stage investor, I’ve been closely involved with so many businesses, there were bound to be numerous stories of actual and near failures, hopefully from which to learn lessons for all of us as we go … Continue reading
Is your CFO a bookkeeper or a strategist?
Here’s one that most small company founders and CEO’s miss until it may be too late. What is the role of a chief financial officer in growing and protecting the company? How about co-strategist? I recently coached a CFO in … Continue reading
Ready, fire, aim. Really?
You’ve surely heard the variations on this theme. “Ready, fire aim” was popular in the 1990’s, accredited to any of several authors. I used the term to describe my efforts in the artificial intelligence field, experimenting with new devices, the … Continue reading