Category Archives: Ignition! Starting up

Startup intoxication!

There is nothing quite as thrilling in business as igniting a startup and watching it blossom.  Especially when starting a company with personal savings or money from relatives and friends, early signs of success are intoxicating.  Each new customer, each … Continue reading

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Find your rock in Ensenada!

Have you found your special place to think strategically without interruption?  I found mine on a rock in Ensenada, Mexico years ago… But I am ahead of myself… Every entrepreneur has that moment of truth – the one that marks … Continue reading

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Be careful about equity and options!

Here is the warning: The execution of equity allocations and of a good incentive program using equity is often mismanaged, damaging the corporate capitalization structure and even affecting the outcome of subsequent investment into the company. … and here is … Continue reading

Posted in Depending upon others, Ignition! Starting up, Surrounding yourself with talent | Leave a comment

Need investment capital?

Preparing for the game… If you have been following our recent insights, you’ll be up to speed knowing that professional investors negotiate tough terms, from provisions of control over asset acquisition, eventual sale of the company, future investments, forced co-sale … Continue reading

Posted in Ignition! Starting up, Raising money | 1 Comment

Need money? Read this!

How important is this issue for your business? The subject of raising money is critical to many businesses and a passing option to others, depending upon the capital efficiency of the enterprise.  Some businesses require very little capital and the … Continue reading

Posted in Ignition! Starting up, Raising money | 1 Comment

Could you be the next Ford, Jobs or Musk?

Well, it’s a fair question. Note that none of these three famous innovators were inventors like Thomas Edison, but visionaries who see a new marketplace or niche or how to reach the mass market in ways not previously attempted. Innovation … Continue reading

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Sharpen your business vision!

I love absolute statements. Pardon my English. But this is one of my favorite statements.  You’re at the ignition stage of your newest business venture.  Of course, you have a vision for what you will do to change the world.  … Continue reading

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How to reach beyond the prospect’s gatekeeper

What’s a gatekeeper? Looking for an entrance into a VC, an angel group, a bank, a CxO for a sales opportunity, or any other entity?  There are always gate keepers whose job it is to filter out the inconsequential or … Continue reading

Posted in Depending upon others, Growth!, Ignition! Starting up | Leave a comment

What if you and your investors don’t agree on an exit?

First, the implied promise: Taking money from professional investors such as angels or VCs usually requires that you agree to seek an exit for those investors in your plan, often targeting five to seven years as the ideal period for … Continue reading

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Don’t just raise money. Do it on good news!

Why is this important advice? Because the first rule for raising money is to do it on good news – right when sales are increasing at an accelerating rate.  Or when a major customer signs a significant deal.  Or when … Continue reading

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