Introduction to this blog

This blog is more than a labor of love. It is the result of insights gained in over sixty years as an entrepreneur, more than twenty of those years investing in other entrepreneurs with world-changing ideas and ventureforwardweb-237passion enough to move mountains.  Over one hundred and ninety times I’ve bet on one or a group of those entrepreneurs, each time finding new stories and new insights to add to my list of stories and lessons.  When I speak as a keynoter at entrepreneurial or investor conferences, or when I conduct one of my half day seminars in early stage corporate governance, I weave some of these epoch stories of entrepreneurs good and bad into my presentations.  And universally, my audiences come back to me with comments that they remember and internalize the stories – and these short insights.
Along came the social networks and the tolerance for a story-in-a-second, or if not in a second, then in 140 characters or less.  The entrepreneurial success stories didn’t get shorter, but the insights became sharper.  And so Berkonomics was born, in an attempt to create memorable, repeatable, viral transfers of insight to this audience of completely dedicated business professionals. 

 Every one of us has a story to add to this mix, one of passionate entrepreneurism, sometimes inside an existing larger corporation, sometimes alone on a kitchen table or back room desk.   There’s a place for these in the blog’s comments after each post, and I welcome any and all for others to read and learn.

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